These wildflowers are well suited to Manitoba's medium and moist prairies and woodlands. Some are more versatile and do well in dry or wet habitats, too.
Medium soils range from well-drained to somewhat poorly drained and may consist of sandy loam or clay with a thick, dark, nutrient-rich upper layer. Vegetation is dense and ranges from low (ground cover) to tall (>5 feet).
Moist soils may be subject to periodic flooding during spring melt or after heavy rains but do not remain water-logged. They are typically found in the transition zone between wetland and upland and can vary between clay, silt, loam and sand. The dominant graminoids, or grass-like plants, in these habitats are grasses (not sedges).
Self-heal or Heal-all
Self-Heal, heal-all (Prunella vulgaris) This gorgeous low-growing mint has definitely earned its name! Self-heal has been the subject of a lot of scientific and medical research – most of it in vitro or in vivo. […]
Eastern virgin’s-bower
This vine produces clusters of pure white flowers that turn into fluffy, beard-like plumes.
Golden Ragwort
Golden ragwort brightens up the spring prairie with its gold-centered yellow flowers that stand above the surrounding vegetation.
Smooth camas
At the base of each flower petal is a greenish heart-shaped gland that secretes nectar and attracts a variety of insects.
Canada goldenrod
What’s really neat about this goldenrod is its pin-wheel leaf arrangement.
Slender false foxglove
An annual hemi-parasite that does well in disturbed, low-fertility soils.
White Lettuce
Clusters of pink and white flowers dangle from stalks that develop on the top half of the plant.
Culver’s root
An insect magnet, attracting a wide range of bees, butterflies, flies and spiders.
Yellow Paintbrush
These hemi-parasitic plants appear to have been dipped in bright yellow paint.
Wild Licorice
Look closely at the undersides of the leaves and you’ll find they’re covered in resinous dots.
Northern Bedstraw
Pass by a patch of northern bedstraw and you’ll surely be caught in a cloud of sweet perfume.
Black Snakeroot
Sometimes it’s the things that aren’t look-at-me spectacular that are the most intriguing.
Calico Aster
The small white flowers have centers that quickly turn colour from creamy to purplish.
Many-flowered Aster
The flowers provide a late-season nectar source for a wide range of insects.