SLENDER FALSE FOXGLOVE (Agalinis tenuifolia)
A late-flowering species that’s well worth the wait. Pink tubular flowers have white centers spotted with dark purple and fuzzy edges. This beauty is an annual hemi-parasitic plant that does well in often disturbed, low-fertility soils with sparse vegetation. Each flower only lasts a couple of days before it falls to the ground, adding a splash of colour to what is often bare soil. It grows well with wild strawberry, flat-topped goldenrod, shrubby cinquefoil, panicled aster, yellow stargrass and big bluestem. Ranked S3 (vulnerable) in Manitoba.
Flower Colour: pink
Life Cycle: annual
Sun Exposure: full sun – shade
Bloom Period: late July – September
Height: 3 – 6
Soil: medium – moist