Laura Reeves’ Guide to Useful Plants – From acorns to zoom sticks

Laura Reeves' Guide to Useful PlantsFor over 20 years, I have been striving to incorporate as many wild plants into my daily life as possible.  This 216-page book is a collection of my experiences with over 65 wild plants and mushrooms.  It is packed full of stories of my experiments (some successful and some not), accidental discoveries, recipes, and directions for using plants for food, medicine, wilderness survival, and just plain fun.

Want to know how to make the best roasted dandelion roots ever? Wondering which plant will be your best friend during cold and flu season? With over 285 colour photos and 30 recipes, Laura Reeves’ Guide to Useful Plants will bring you up to speed on identifying, sustainably harvesting and skillfully preparing some of the most intriguing wild plants and mushrooms of the northern prairie and boreal forest – from acorns to zoomsticks!

Price: $24.95

8 weeks on the Winnipeg Bestsellers list!

[Your book] is quite lovely. Definitely one of the best publications by a local author I’ve had the pleasure to stock.” – Megan Ross, University of Saskatchewan Bookstore

I just wanted to thank you so much for your incredible book. My daughter and I have been using it extensively and house it with our favourite reference books. Each day we go for a walk somewhere on our 230 acre property and try to identify, taste, and marvel at all the wild plants. My daughter picked wild ginger today for the first time. She is so excited to go out seeking each day. Your writing is so approachable; a great mix of botanical info and your personal reflections and stories. It is a joy to read and learn from each day. ” – Judi Vinni, Kaministiquia, ON


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Laura’s Guide
Prairie Shore Botanicals
Box 65
Gardenton, MB
R0A 0M0


Available at the following locations in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario:

In Manitoba:


Aurora Farm
Chapters (Empress Street – in the “Local Interest” section)
Coles Bookstore (Kildonan Place)
Cree-Ations and Artists Showcase (586 Main Street)
FortWhyte Alive! (McCreary Road)
Hollow Reed Holistic (St. Norbert Art Centre)
Indigo – Kenaston Common (1590 Kenaston Blvd.)
McNally Robinson Booksellers (Grant Park mall)
Prairie Sky Books (871 Westminster Ave.)
Sage Garden Herbs (3410 St. Mary’s Road)
The Preferred Perch (4-1604 St. Mary’s Rd.)
Winnipeg Public Libraries

Altona Public Library

Boissevain area
Room to Grow Guesthouse 

Coles (Shoppers Mall)
Riverbank Discovery Centre

Clear Lake/Wasagaming
The Nature Shop (Friends of Riding Mountain National Park)

Miami Public Library

Minnedosa Public Library

Morden Public Library

Herbs for Health
Neepawa Public Library

Plum Coulee
Prairie Foods

Portage la Prairie
Honeybee Health Foods
Portage la Prairie Public Library

Roseau River
Reimer Concrete and Building Supplies

Souris Public Library

Mennonite Heritage Museum

St. Pierre-Jolys
St. Pierre Public Library

Can-Am Country Corner (Hwys. 59 and 201)

Dueck Drug Store

Winkler Public Library

In Saskatchewan:

McNally Robinson Booksellers

In Ontario:

Misty River Alternatives

Thunder Bay