SMOOTH CAMAS (Zigadenus elegans)
The rosette of pale green leaves that appear in early spring are very unique. By late June they give way to towering spikes of creamy white flowers. At the base of each flower petal is a greenish heart-shaped gland that secretes nectar and attracts a variety of insects – I’ve seen green soldier flies and ants lapping it up. This nectar is potentially toxic to many pollinators. Research indicates that nectar toxicity reduces the number of potential pollinator species to the flowers and increases the likelihood of pollination by insects that are flower-constant* and able to make use of the floral reward.
Grows with wild strawberry, northern bedstraw, purple prairie clover, golden alexander, many-flowered aster, smooth aster, bog violet, big bluestem, bog muhly and shrubby cinquefoil.
*Flower-constant pollinators visit only one species of flower per trip from the hive/nest.
Flower Colour: white
Life Cycle: perennial
Sun Exposure: full sun to part shade
Bloom Period: June to July
Height: 1 – 3 ft
Soil: moist to medium