These wildflowers are well suited to Manitoba's moist prairies and woodlands and/or prairie wetlands.
Moist soils may be subject to periodic flooding during spring melt or after heavy rains but do not remain water-logged. They are typically found in the transition zone between wetland and upland and can vary between clay, silt, loam and sand. The dominant graminoids, or grass-like plants, in these habitats are grasses (not sedges).
Wet soils are always water-logged and often subject to periods of standing water. Soils range from mineral to muck or peat and are characteristic of marshes and river edges. Species diversity is typically low. The dominant graminoids are sedges.
Closed or Bottle Gentian
Bumblebees are one of the few insects strong enough to pull the pleated petals apart to get inside.
Four-flowered Yellow Loosestrife
Ranked S2, or imperilled, in Manitoba where it reaches the northwest extent of its range.
Water Parsnip
Tall and attractive, water parsnip has delightfully fragrant flower clusters up to 5 inches across.
Hemp dogbane
In the fall, the leaves turn bright yellow, wonderfully complementing the red stems.
Calamus, Sweet Flag, Rat Root
Calamus is known for it’s extraordinarily bitter, hot roots with potent medicinal properties.
Marsh Hedge-Nettle
Beautiful pink flower spikes and leaves with a distinctive bumpy texture.
Nuttall’s Sunflower
Late-season flowers smell exactly like chocolate and are well worth the wait.
Swamp Milkweed
Beautiful deep pink flowers with white centers emit a wonderful aroma that resembles cherry Fruit Loops!