Woodland Plants

Most woodland plants in our area are fire-dependent and adapted to a wide range of light and moisture conditions due to the influence of both fire and drought. Plants enveloped in shade may suddenly find themselves basking in the sun, post fire, until the trees and shrubs are once again tall enough to cast their shadows on the forest floor. In the absence of fire, prairie plants may be overtaken by expanding woodlands, biding time until the next fire (or wind storm) opens the canopy up.

Woodland sloughs will undergo periodic transitions from wetland to upland plant communities in response to extended dry weather cycles reverting back to wetlands when the rains return. During dry cycles, these sites may grow in with trees, which often succumb after three or more years of repeated flooding.

Species found primarily in woodlands are listed in the side-bar menu on the right. The picture menu below also includes shade-tolerant species that are commonly considered prairie plants.

Downy Wood Violet

Makes a great ground cover for rich, dry to medium woods.

Canada Mayflower

Familiarity breeds comfort with this common plant of forest floors.

Sun-loving Sedge

A common woodland sedge that is often mistaken for short, soft grass.

Giant Hyssop

Plants have a sweet black licorice scent and flavour and make wonderful tea and medicine.

Tall Meadow Rue

Attractive in both the vegetative and flowering stages.

Shrubby Cinquefoil

Prairie birds, such as the clay-colored sparrow, often conceal their nests in the dense branches and foliage.

Canada Wild Rye

A tall grass that can grow in a wide range of habitats.

Wild Iris

Striking blue and white flowers stand out in wetlands in both prairie and woodland habitats.

Wild Mint

This is the best mint you’ll ever smell or taste!

Sweet-Scented Bedstraw

The sprawling, shade-loving nature of this bedstraw makes it great ground cover for woodland areas.


Honewort is ranked S1 (critically imperiled) in Manitoba where it reaches the northwest extent of its range.

Golden Alexander

Yellow dill-like flower clusters appear in spring and attract a wide variety of insects.