Bog birch

The beautifully-coloured first-year stems make attractive baskets.

BOG BIRCH (Betula pumila)

Sometimes referred to as buck brush, bog birch is a short to medium shrub of moist soils. A profusion of gray to reddish-brown stems speckled with white lenticels sprouts from the base of each plant. The beautifully-coloured first-year stems make attractive baskets. The leaves provide browse for deer (and humans) while the seeds are an important winter food source for sharp-tailed grouse.

Grows with meadow blazingstar, golden alexander, tall meadowrue, northern bog violet, black snakeroot, cord grass, northern reed grass, pussy willow and basket willow.

Life Cycle: perennial
Sun Exposure: sun
Bloom Period: April – May
Height: 4 – 12 ft
Soil: moist