Sorghastrum Grass

The stalks alternate between green and a gorgeous reddish brown. The copper-coloured seed heads are covered in silky hairs.


This tall grass looks strikingly similar to big bluestem until it sends up flower stalks. The stalks alternate between green and a gorgeous reddish brown and the copper-coloured seed heads are covered in silky hairs. Sorghastrum is less tolerant of wet conditions than big bluestem and will wink in and out with prolonged changes in soil moisture levels.

Grows with harebell, upland white goldenrod, showy goldenrod, dwarf milkweed, purple prairie clover, Canadian lousewort, big bluestem, and prairie dropseed.

Life Cycle: perennial, warm season
Sun Exposure: full sun
Fruiting Period: August – September
Height: 3 – 5 ft
Soil: dry – medium