BLACK-EYED SUSAN (Rudbeckia hirta)
Our native “daisy”, yellow ray petals encircle a black/brown center. The leaves have an almost pillowy hairiness to them and the stem is speckled with red. Black-eyed susans are referred to as “platform flowers” because they act as landing pads for a wide variety of flying insects. Black-eyed susans are the primary nectar food plant for the endangered Powesheik skipperling. A host of non-flying insects and spiders also make use of these flowers, including ambush bugs, stick caterpillars, and crab spiders. They look great with harebells and western tiger lilies.
Flower Colour: yellow
Life Cycle: perennial
Sun Exposure: full sun
Bloom Period: June – August
Height: 1 – 3 ft.
Soil: dry – medium