Native Plant Nursery

Prairie Shore Botanicals Native Plant Nursery

Prairie Shore Botanicals offers a variety of prairie and woodland plants that are native to Manitoba.

All plants are started from seed harvested locally from native species, not cultivars, and are grown in a peat-free soil mix. In an effort to reduce plastic waste, every effort is made to reduce and reuse, so you can expect to receive your plants in unconventional containers.

Individual plants - $8
Combinations* - $14

*These are larger pots containing two species that commonly occur together in their natural environment.

To place an order, please email or call 204-425-3520.

The catalogue continues to be updated with new additions as I expand the nursery, so be sure to check back or contact me if you don't see what you're looking for. Keep in mind that availability is subject to change.

Prairie Shore Botanicals is not open to the public, but arranged visits are welcome.

Shipping and delivery

Seeds only. $7 for up to 40 g, $9 for 40-60 g.

Generally available to addresses between Gardenton and Winnipeg or Steinbach. I try to optimize travel for environmental reasons and usually arrange deliveries when there are sufficient orders or other reasons to hit the road. Delivery fee is $20 on a minimum order of $50 per address.



Dry to Medium soils

pasture sage + harebell
pasture sage + tall cinquefoil
prairie dandelion + harebell
purple prairie clover + Kalm's brome
purple prairie clover + sorghastrum
white upland goldenrod + purple prairie clover
white upland goldenrod + prairie dandelion
heliopsis + sorghastrum
prairie dropseed + white prairie clover
prairie dropseed + black-eyed susan
prairie dropseed + smooth aster
prairie dropseed  + big bluestem
blue grama + Missouri goldenrod
blue grama + gaillardia
blue grama + cut-leaf anemone
smooth aster + fringed brome
giant hyssop + showy goldenrod
harebell + June grass
white prairie clover + prairie sage

Medium to Moist soils

scarlet paintbrush + smooth aster
scarlet paintbrush + black-eyed susan
showy goldenrod + prairie dandelion
swamp milkweed + Nuttall's sunflower
golden alexander + Nuttall's sunflower
smooth aster + fringed brome
northern bedstraw + prairie dropseed
wild strawberry + prairie dropseed

Moist to Wet soils

swamp milkweed + Nuttall's sunflower
swamp milkweed + marsh cinquefoil
Nuttall's sunflower + wild mint
wild iris + bugleweed
wild iris + American water horehound
wild mint + American water horehound
wild mint + marsh hedgenettle
wild mint + bugleweed
bugleweed + marsh hedgenettle


honewort + sweet-scented bedstraw
downy yellow violet + sweet-scented bedstraw