Manitoba maple syrup … on tap!

I love maple syrup. I mean, real maple syrup. I remember my grade 3 teacher cooking maple syrup on the staff room stove and then drizzling it onto fresh snow for us to eat. We […]
I love maple syrup. I mean, real maple syrup. I remember my grade 3 teacher cooking maple syrup on the staff room stove and then drizzling it onto fresh snow for us to eat. We […]
It was that distinctive sound of something small and dense falling through the tree canopy and landing on the forest floor that caused me to hop on my bike and head to town. After riding […]
It’s been over 10 years since I convinced a friend of mine to try milkweed fritters with me after reading about them in one of Euell Gibbons’s books. We enjoyed them so much, we made […]
This was the most amazing spring Wild Edible Adventure to date! Abnormal weather conditions resulted in a greater diversity of available wild edibles than usual. Roots and tubers are usually the focus at this time […]
Burdock (Arctium spp.) is one of my favourite plants. It is both a satisfying edible and effective medicinal. Though it looks like rhubarb from a distance, burdock is hairy and has green stalks. It is a […]
Whether we reside in a rural community or urban center, edible, medicinal and otherwise useful plants abound. Most of the plants we consider noxious or nuisance weeds are not only edible, but tasty and nutritious, […]